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Alexey Timin
Software Engineer - Database, Rust, C++

A software engineer with a passion for databases, Rust, and C++, always looking for new challenges and opportunities to build efficient, scalable systems for managing large amounts of data.

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Release of CLI Client for v0.7.0

· 2 min read
Alexey Timin
Software Engineer - Database, Rust, C++

Hey everyone,

I'm happy to announce that we have released Reduct CLI client v0.7.0 with some minor improvements and bug fixes. We started using the tool in real applications and faced some problems exporting data from a ReductStore instance when the connection is slow and we have many entries to download asynchronously.

First of all, it wasn't very convenient to count all needed entries in the rcli export command. Now we can use wildcards:

rcli export folder instance/bucket ./export_path  --entries=sensor-*

Release of JavaScript SDK v1.3.0

· 2 min read
Alexey Timin
Software Engineer - Database, Rust, C++

Hey everyone,

we are pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of the ReductStore SDK for JavaScript. This version supports the new features of ReductStore v1.3, including labels and content type.

Now you can write a record with MIME type and labels to ReductStore:

const client = new Client("");

const bucket = await client.getOrCreateBucket("bucket");

const record = await bucket.beginWrite("entry-1", {
contentType: "text/plain",
labels: { type: "example" },

await record.write("Some text");

ReductStore v1.3.0 Released

· 2 min read
Alexey Timin
Software Engineer - Database, Rust, C++

Hello everyone,

We are excited to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of the ReductStore database! This update brings a number of new features and improvements that we believe will enhance your experience with the database.

License Change

First and foremost, we've changed the project license, switching from AGPLv3 to MPL-2.0 which allows usage of the program as a service over the network in proprietary software. This change is made to avoid any misunderstanding in the future, and to align with our goal of encouraging contributions back to the project while allowing everyone to use it for free.