How to Store Vibration Sensor Data | Part 2
ReductStore is designed to efficiently handle time series unstructured data, making it an excellent choice for storing high frequency vibration sensor measurements. This article is the second part of How to Store Vibration Sensor Data | Part 1, where we discussed the benefits of storing both raw measures and pre-processed metrics, the advantages of time series databases, and efficient storage and replication strategies.
In this post, we'll dive into a practical example of storing and querying vibration sensor readings using ReductStore and Python. To follow along, you can find the full source code for this example at GitHub's reduct-vibration-example repository.
Our example will show you how to:
- Store simulated sensor values in 1-second chunks
- Compute and store associated labels for each chunk
- Query and retrieve stored measurements within a specified time range
- Set up replication using the ReductStore web console